Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Brief Manifesto

So the other day I had what I thought was a pretty excellent idea for yet another blog that I will begin with the greatest of enthusiasm and then forget about within a month. What I intend to do is present on a somewhat regular basis (completely random, actually, who are we kidding) a mix tape (or the modern mp3 approximation thereof), founded upon a various mood, theme, thought, gimmick, etc. Torrey will be joining me in this endeavor, because we share equal levels of self-congratulatory musical enthusiasm.

We are also of the firm belief that our music pwns yours, so you should probably listen to it.

Here's the plan as I have laid it out: we're going to post, through Mixwit, our mixes. These mixes, however, may not be what we intended, as Mixwit operates through links, not actual music databases. We may not be able to find certain songs, and therefore the Mixwit mixtapes will not necessarily be as truly awesome as we intended (*s will denote those that are missing). For legal reasons, give us a shout if you like the cut of our mixtape's jib, and we'll provide you with a link to the full, undiluted zip.

Have at 'em.

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