Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Okay, so big news here, guys - if you are still listening, because we are the worst bloggers ever.

We've been nominated for an award. And because both Torrey and I have been stupidly, stupidly busy (more on that later), we're just telling you. So (although we don't really entertain the possibility of winning - we are modest/realistic, after all) vote for us if you'd like.

Second order of business:

We are basically doing exactly what William Miller is not. And we hate it. And it's paper season. And - just - we will try to update, but life is kicking our asses right now. We still have deep love and high hopes for Cassette Shelf, but right now academic demands are being our high-maintenance girlfriends.

Please still love us. I'm pretty sure I have professors that are freaking me out more than Frances McDormand. And I'm not Russell Hammond, so I have few consolations in life.

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