Saturday, December 27, 2008


This post is going to take care of some housekeeping for the blog.

Mixwit is unfortunately closing down. We are hoping they may return with some form of paid service, which I would be crazy enough to pay for, but in the meantime we are going to attempt to transition over to Seeqpod. We will see how well this goes, and I may even attempt to convert our old mixtapes into a still-listenable format in Seeqpod as well. (When infinite time presents itself, of course.)

Second, I do not have a mixtape because my computer's hard drive kicked the bucket and my external hard drive is halfway across the country. Hence, I cannot deliver to ye faithful readers the proliferate tapes I had hoped to.

But, here's a video from one of our favorite new bands of 2008 to take you into 2009. God bless Sub Pop.

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